31 December, 2014

Kazumiku's 3rd Birthday!

Hello everyone and thanks for supporting my blog (though I'm not often online and this blogspot became more like an archive).
This year's "My favorite J-rock Band Poll" winner is MEJIBRAY ^.^

I wish you a happy new year ♥

06 December, 2014

Announcement !

Hello everyone! ♥

I am very busy with school and everything but I'm more active on Tumblr right now, so don't forget to visit my other blog if you like ^_~
Kazumiko Blogspot is more like an archieve at the moment...
Well but I hope this helps some of you :3
And if you wonder : A lot of pictures on my blog got deleted and I'm trying to fix the problem.
Just message me (write a comment) if you're searching or a certain photo ^_^

P.S.: And don't forget to vote for your favorite J-Rock band !

Greetings & stay positive ! ♥

30 May, 2014


A list of the AMVs I've made so far :3
{I am working on a new blog design + new AMV)
Enjoy ! ^-^
